Steps for merging two or more company tally data in One company:-

Steps for merging two or more company tally data in One company:-
Prepared By:- SUSHANT 

Step 1:- Export all the groups and ledgers(i.e. Masters) to the desired path, of the company which you are proposing to merge.

Given below screenshot shows the path for reaching to List of all Groups and Ledgers (i.e. Masters).


Important Notes:-

1. Press Alt + E from the above-mentioned path (Tally Main–> Gateway of Tally–> Display Menu–> List of Accounts), for the purpose of Export of Masters.

2. After doing the task as mentioned in note 1 following menu will open


    • In the above menu Choose file Format as XML
    • Export Location as you desired and
    • Do \”yes\” for Include dependent Masters

3. Repeat step 1 and the notes as stated above for all the companies you wish to merge.

Step 2:- Export all the Vouchers (i.e. Day Book) to the desired path, of the company which you are proposing to merge.

Given below screenshot shows the path for reaching to Day Book.


Important Notes:-

1. Press Alt + E from the above-mentioned path (Tally Main–> Gateway of Tally–> Display Menu–> Day Book), for the purpose of Export of Vouchers.

2. After doing the task as mentioned in note 1 following menu will open:-


  • In the above menu Choose file Format as XML
  • Export Location as you desired
  • Do \”yes\” for \”Show Narrations\” till \”Show Dependent Masters also\” as shown in the above screenshot.
  • Choose \”All Vouchers\” for \”Select vouchers to show\”

3. Repeat step 2 and the notes as stated above for all the companies you wish to merge.

Step 3:- Now, Create a New Company for the purpose of merging all the companies


Important Notes:-

1. Following Menu will be open after clicking on \”Create Company\”


2. In Directory put name location where you want to save the new company

3. Note That, In Financial Year begins from, choose the financial year for which the companies are proposing to be merged ( Ex. Choose FY 01-04-2017 if the data you are merging belongs to FY 2017-18).

Step 4:- Import all the Groups and Ledgers (i.e. Masters) and all the Vouchers (i.e. Daybook) in the new company created in Step 3, from the path which was selected in step 1 and step 2 respectively for Masters and Day Book.


Important Note:-

  1. We have to first import all the Master and then import all the vouchers (Day Book).
  2. For importing the Masters copy the path where we have exported the same and press Enter Key.
  3. For importing the Day Book copy the path where we have exported the same and press Enter Key.